As a matter of opinion
I think he's tops.
My opinion is
he's the cream of the crop.
As a matter of taste
to be exact,
He's my ideal
as a matter of fact.
This...is how I feel about my guy. I know he's tops and the cream of the crop. I know this for many reasons. Let me tell you about what a wonderful father he is. I didn't say perfect, I said wonderful. He is present in our children's lives and active. He gives his all. He is selfless, almost to a fault. He is not mean. He is a great role model for our girls. They know without a doubt that he loves them. He makes time for them. He is always concerned about what is best for them. He wants to do more for them and WITH them. I could go on...
But I'll just say I thank God that even though I wasn't thinking about what kind of father the man I married would make, He was.
In all these ways and more he is a husband to me. He is supportive. He is kind. He likes to make me happy. We are always first. He is helpful in many ways. He is funny. He loves me in spite of my many imperfections. I could go on...
But I'll just say I thank God that even though I was too young to perceive all this when we said I do, He already knew.
If I haven't told you about our first date, you should ask...
Thank you God for my guy.
But I'll just say I thank God that even though I wasn't thinking about what kind of father the man I married would make, He was.
In all these ways and more he is a husband to me. He is supportive. He is kind. He likes to make me happy. We are always first. He is helpful in many ways. He is funny. He loves me in spite of my many imperfections. I could go on...
But I'll just say I thank God that even though I was too young to perceive all this when we said I do, He already knew.
If I haven't told you about our first date, you should ask...
Thank you God for my guy.