I would like to thank the Academy.... oops! make that Sandy!
How exciting! I received my first blog award! Thank you Sandy! You are such a sweet and encouraging friend. Thank you for thinking I am deserving! Now I need to follow some instructions that come with this award, which are answer the following questions, in one word (eek!) and pass the award on to 6 others and notify them that they have received it. So here I go!
1. Where is your cell phone? beside me
2. Your hair? askew
3. Your mother? missed
4. Your father? smart
5. Your favorite food? Macaroni Grill's bread
6. Your dream last night? forgotten
7. Your favorite drink? water w/lemon
8. Your dream/goal? raise happy children who love God (oops! Is that more than one? )
9. What room are you in? living room
10. Your hobby? reading
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? traveling
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren’t? boring
15. Muffins? yummy!
16. Wish list item? lap top
17. Where did you grow up? every where
18. Last thing you did? breakfast
19. What are you wearing? pj's
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? outside
22. Friends? precious
23. Your life? wonderful beyond belief
24. Your mood? great
25. Missing someone? Mom
26. Vehicle? truck
27. Something you’re not wearing? scowl
28. Your favorite store? TJ Maxx
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Monday
32. Your best friend? Kerry
33. One place that I go to over and over? Church
34. One person who emails me regularly? Kerry
35. Favorite place to eat? many
Now to share with others!
1. Taylor @ taylorsscrap.blogspot.com
I enjoy reading your blog and love the description of yourself! What a fun way to tell others about you!
2. Breanne @ stirredlove.blogspot.com
Thanks for inspiring me in the kitchen. All your dishes look so yummy and I have printed out some that I plan to try myself!
3. let--it--shine.blogspot.com
I enjoy all your wonderful, do-able ideas, but I think my absolute favorite thing is the quote you have on your post by Marianne Williamson. Moving and thought provoking! Thanks for sharing all your talent!
4. Lisa @ mooreminutes.com
Love to see what you have going on over there. Your newest make over is terrific. And that poem! Thanks for passing it on to the rest of us. Think I'm going to need it on a sign!
5. The Nester @ thenestingplacenc.blogspot.com
How clever you are! I am never disappointed by all the things you come up with! You're one of the first blogs I started following and am always looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve for the next blog!
6. Whitney & Ashely @ shanty2chic.blogspot.com
Absolutely love all your ideas and that you are a sister team! My creative juices start flowing whenever I venture on over to your site! Yours is also one of the first blogs I started following, and a favorite!
Oh My Gosh!!! A Freakin' Award...I am beside myself. This makes me deserve those Frye boots I have always wanted!!!!THanks!!!!