Without a doubt, when I am tucking my girls in at night, their favorite thing to hear is a family story...or as they put it "tell me a story about when you were little." After the first one they were hooked and this was what they preferred to any story book. I have found myself during many bedtimes digging around in my mind, dusting off some old memory from the past. And on nights I couldn't come up with something new, they would request a story they had already heard. I even have a couple of photos that go along with the some of the stories. They love it when this happens.
But before the story begins, you'll need a little background first. I now have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, but when this story occured there were just 4 of us. My older sister Tabby(Tabethia), Me, my younger brother Randy, and the youngest of us all back then, my sister Ronnie (Veronica). Our other brother Shane didn't appear on the scene until I was 16.
My brother Randy was down this past weekend helping us with a project, so keeping this in mind I think it is only appropriate to start out the family stories with one about "Uncle Randy". His story goes like this....
Round about the time when we were all junior high age...the youngest being in about 5th grade and the oldest in 9th grade....we would have to take turns making supper. This particular night it was Randy's turn and he decided he would make some macaroni and cheese with his meal. Well there he was in the kitchen slaving away while his sisters, who seemed more like buzzards, were anxiously and hungrily awaiting supper. We were already circling before he even had a chance to put all the food out. Sitting in wait at the table with our beady little eyes, hands grasped around our forks and mouths watering. Ok, maybe not quite that way, but we were already seated, when he was bringing in the food.
Never one to shy away from attention, he recognized the fact that he now had an audience to reveal his edible masterpieces to. So with his head held high he proudly walked into the dining room and placed them on the table. As soon as the dish hits the table we only have to take one look at the macaroni and cheese before all of us girls burst out laughing. Poor guy. But if you were there I'm sure you would have done the same thing. Bear in mind that they even make macaroni and cheese now for elementary kids to fix by themselves because it is SO EASY. Well Randy's mac and cheese was more like soup and cheese. The noodles were all floating around in yellow cheesy water. I'm sure you've guessed, but yes he didn't drain the water from the noodles. Even sadder and funnier still is that he had no clue what was wrong with his side dish. Couldn't even understand why we were laughing. Well it didn't take us long to clue him in.
I would like to say the rest of the meal was much better, but I can't. However I will tell you I did appreciate the effort he put into preparing the meal for us. Truth be known, none of us put much on the table worth eating at that age. Could be why we were all skinny...hmmm. Never the less, it was a time in our lives when we had to step up and help out the best we could. And from that we have some memories that put many a smiles on our faces, and even now puts some giggly little girls to sleep at night.
Wonder what memories my girls have tucked away in their little minds that they will someday be dusting off to share with their own children?
Here we are on a camping trip, taking a walk along Blue River. Randy is in the front, followed by Tabby, Me, Ronnie, and bringing up the end is Mom. Dad of course is taking the pictures.
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