Helping dad on
the baseball field.
Happier times.
I probably knew better....but I did it anyway. There it was just waiting in the shadows to get me...Irony that is. While I was so innocently and lovingly putting together a post about "My Guy", Irony was planning to get me and it was gearing up in a second grade class room. How are these two things related? Read on and you'll soon understand.
It all started the night before the first day of school. My youngest daughter Channing was going into second grade. It was bedtime and she came up to me with little tears running down her cheeks, trying to keep from crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she was scared about going into second grade. I reassured her in every area I could think of...telling her that she was going to love second grade...she would love her teacher...and that she would do wonderful in the classroom. Then I gave her a hug and a kiss and sent her back to bed.
Well in the morning things appeared to be better. We did our usual first day of school traditions...took a picture commemorating the first day...went to the donut shop for breakfast...and walked her into the classroom so I could get a picture of her with her new teacher. All seemed well, and I would go on to believe this until a week later.
Channing comes home from school the following Monday and I begin taking out her folder with all of her homework in it so we can get started. That's when I came across the paper. The paper that told me why she had little tears running down her cheeks the night before school. The paper that told me why she was so nervous about 2nd grade. The paper that would make me "not happy" with her daddy. This is what it said:
This morning I had a
lot of Buderflis in
my Belly. Beceuse my
Dad sed Mrs. taller
spanks hard. So I
wus very neris! So
I cood not go to
sleep because that is
my techer is Mrs.
I couldn't believe it. "My poor baby!", was all I could think. Well, that and "My rotten husband!" Of course I couldn't let this go, I had to do something....so what did I do? I put it on Face Book, for all the world to see and respond to. This is how it went down:
My Post
The night before school starts Channing is nervous and little tears start running down her cheeks. I reassure her and send her to bed. Then she comes home today with a paper she wrote on the first day of school. It says: This morning I had a lot of butterflies in my belly. Because my dad said Mrs. Taylor spanks hard. So I was very nervous! So I could not go to sleep because that is my teacher Mrs. Taylor.
Amanda Copeland
Hahahaha-Oh no! Poor Channing
Veronica Blue-Harden
ummmm I would not want to be Kerry right now..lol
Dina Moran Wright
....shame on Daddy!
Lindsay Johnson
Um..daddy is in big trouble! lol
Norma Clement
It's like they have a pesky older brother sometimes instead of a dad! I don't think he will ever outgrow it!
Veronica Blue-Harden
he is making sure you never miss out on not having a boy! lol
Debbie Keatts
I hope you took care of that man of yours!! Sounds like Bruce Keatts!
Norma Clement
I am doing my best but I think I may have to bring in reinforcements!
Sandy Francis-Cobb
Well, ya know that Mrs. Taylor is pretty mean! :0)
Nikki Anderson-Terry
Oh I am cracking up. It is funny, cute and sad all in one! Bad daddy, bad daddy!
Marsha Sample
Kerry just can't keep from getting Channing in trouble can he? I still haven't forgiven him for the OU thing! LOL
Norma Clement
Bad daddy is right! Think I'm going to frame that paper and put it where he can see it every day then...maybe...he will think before he teases...maybe!
Marsha you are going to have to remind me what the OU thing is...I do my best to forget as much as I can! :)
Robin Reynolds-Watts
Oh my gosh Norma, poor kid! That is so funny though....sorry Channing....
Another side note to all of this is that Channing wasn't supposed to bring that paper home, she did it on accident. Her teacher didn't even have a
chance to read it before she slipped it in her folder. So now you see how Irony has come around to laugh at me and let me know that I should always be on the lookout should it decide to strike again.
However before I finish I will admit it was funny, but only because Channing's tears are gone and she absolutely loves Mrs. Taylor. So much that she was no longer scared after that first morning. So my husband has survived and yes I still think he's the cream of the crop! (Irony this is not an invitation to revisit!)
I bought a frame today...we'll see if it works.
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